The Great Website Migration

I meant to post a “welcome to the new website” update sooner, but I have really fallen out of practice when it comes to writing any kind of personal life updates or journals. I just forget that blogging is a thing!

Anyway, the website host I had previously used for over a decade finally decided to shit the bed. Instead of struggling to continue using it, I bit the bullet and moved to a more expensive, but more reliable service. And by “move” I mean completely rebuilt the website in their editor from scratch, including manually copy+pasting every past journal entry for posterity.

I’m actually really happy with the new host so far, and am delighted with how closely I could match the look and feel of my previous website build. Some features were unavailable or didn’t work the same way, but I’ve been able to find adequate workarounds.

Hopefully any changes you do notice are positive QOL updates, like much better store functionality and layout! I’ve also added a new section to the Links page highlighting my supporters on Patreon.

The website is likely to continue evolving - I mostly focused on reproducing the look and feel of its current state in the interest of time, but there are a ton of interesting features and options that I have yet to fully explore.

I’ll try to do better from here on out to post more frequent updates, if only to prove that this site is actively managed! Don’t you just hate it when you visit a website and you have no idea if any of the information is up-to-date because there hasn’t been a post since 2016? 😂


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